Make Contact!


We want you to make contact with the ministry!  This is easiest by email;  However, we would love to receive a personal letter from you with your prayer request etc. 



Dr. Stephen Houston produces a New Program   

Back in 1993 Revd. Houston produced his own weekly television show 'The Power of Love', which aired Sunday mornings in the UK on the Vision Channel on all the cable stations and in Australia on Channel 7.


He also had a weekly TV show in the United States (KMPX 29, now Daystar Network), and in Australia (Channel 7).


By 2004 he had a weekly television show airing in eleven states, (God's Learning Channel, based in Midland Texas reaching four states, Victory Television Network, Little Rock Arkansas, reaching three states, KSCB South Dakota reaching four states).



Jesus said:-


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father , and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (Matthew 28:19)


Web Site development, internet services and TV production by Dr. Houston