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All are welcome, even if you belong to another church.

It's you new beginning!

It’s a New Day, it’s a New Way. It could be your lifeline, your fresh start.






Dr. Houston gives this name to his seminars or conferences solely devoted to teaching how a local church should function in the pattern given to us in the Bible New Testament Church Epistles. There is set out plainly the necessity of a "five fold" ministry and the realization and experience that every Christian should have of being spiritually baptized into the local church, or local body, knit together in Christian love with it membership, submitted to its leadership, and a growing member of the local expression of Jesus Christ's person, God's intention of what a local church should be.


 Holiness is the key to Revival which brings Divine and angelic visitation. Dr. Houston gives this name to his conferences solely devoted to teaching how an individual Christian, a local church, or organisation, should be preparing themselves for playing their part in being involved in any Revival that the Lord may give, in the pattern given to us in the Bible New Testament Church Gospels. There is an understanding needed by Christians as to the prerequisites necessary before during and after the Lord brings revival. If the prerequisite are adhered to and the God given plan is instituted, then revival may come. It won't be some evangelistic outreach, but rather the population's desire to repent of their sins because of their heightened awareness of God though the convicting preaching of the necessity of faith in God's grace for personal forgiveness of sin, and salvation. The the absolute necessity is preaching that plainly declares the necessity of the living of our personal earthly lives in holiness before God. Holiness brings conviction and repentance from sin, which is the key to Revival, human awareness to the presence of God because of His Visitation. This whole process is bathed in intercessory prayer.      


Every Christian lives with a heavenly calling to be the Lord's inheritance on the earth through us. His Kingdom is not of this earth and yet He told us to pray that the Kingdom would come on earth as it it is in heaven. Dr. Houston gives this the name to his seminars or conferences solely devoted to teaching how a individual Christian should equip themselves to be that Divinely called inheritance of Christ on earth, thus facilitating the power and provision of God.


These events are obviously meetings that are solely devoted to teaching and preaching that Jesus Christ is The Healer and then the prayers for healing and the operation of the gifts of healings are demonstrated during the Healing Crusade service.


Dr. Houston gives this the name given to his to conferences solely devoted to teaching how a individual Christian, a local church, or organisation, should preparing themselves for playing their part in being involved in the five fold ministry gifting and in particular the Apostolic and Prophetical offices as described in the New Testament's practical operation of those offices. In recent years there has been such controversy and 'hoopla' around these two offices and administrative gifts within the body of Christ. Dr. Houston unravels the convoluted mystery surrounding so much miss-appropriation of these titles and administrations.



These events are obvious Christian evangelistic crusades that are solely devoted to teaching and preaching that Jesus Christ is The Saviour and plainly stating the offer of the Gospel as described in the Bible. The congregation of those attending are offered the opportunity of repenting of their sins, turning from those sins and handing their right to life over to Jesus Christ by making a profession of faith in the praying of a prayer during the service. These 'Prayers and professions and confessions of faith' or 'Decisions for Jesus Christ' are not seen as some 'magic formula for salvation', but are reinforced by wise counsel at the conclusion of the crusade service where at that point those people are directed to regularly attend solid local churches that exist in their locality.



This is a 'Worship Event' and a 'concert style mission' to liberate you into true Christian living. Through music and preaching Dr. Houston wants to make sure that you are definitely going to go to heaven after this life. Some 'Christians' need to understand what true repentance before God really means! Dr. Houston strives to direct Christians to live a Holy life 'without which no one will see God'. The heavenly requirement is to have a clean heart, purified and righteous! This event will teach you and help to show you what the Lord means to put on the Garments of Righteousness and Praise. Dr. Houston wants to cause you to truly realize the Blessings and Promises of God and His Greater Works and Miracles in this life!





These are three courses that Dr. Houston has prepared for dealing with three distinct groups of Christians. Those who have just become Christians, those who desire true growth in their Christian walk, and finally those who are getting ready to depart from this world and go to be with the Lord in Glory. Their format is gear to teaching seminars that Dr. Houston conducts in a local church setting.


Dr. Houston's teaching web-site


Web Site development, internet services and TV production by Dr. Houston